Citizens for

Glen Ellyn Preservation

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Dark Sky Lighting the Night Safely and Beautifully (PDF) - March 2010
Too many exterior light fixtures placed as decorative architectural elements rather than sited specifically for function may look fine during the day but at night add to glare and light pollution. There are attractive fixtures on the market that are appropriate for historic homes that also direct light where it belongs.

While the ammendments recommended by the Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission simmer on the back burner, Lake Bluff passes meaningful tree protection...
By Linda Blaser, Pioneer Press - Lake Forester, September 11, 2008

Montclair Preservation = Conservation - May 2008
As the national focus shifts to global warming and energy conservation, preservationists and environmentalists have found their concerns to be remarkably similar. A significant part of the problem is that the modern teardown trend has had a much greater impact on our well-being than just the loss of historic architecture and greenspace.

pvc USGBC: PVC is Not a Healthy Building Material
After several years of serious investigation and pressure from health advocates,
the US Green Building Council Technical Advisory Committee has finally concluded that vinyl building products are bad for human health.

Green landscaping combined with a historic home in Elmhurst is a masterpiece
in conservation...


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