Citizens for

Glen Ellyn Preservation

historic horse trough
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100 Year Old Village Landmark to be Reinstated and Restored!

Dear Members and Friends,
Wonderful News! Your voices have been heard. We have been assured by the Acting Village Manager, Curt Barrett, that the historic Glen Ellyn water trough will be reinstated in its downtown site after the holidays. In addition, it is to be appraised by a qualified expert in restoration to determine what repairs will be needed to return it to good condition.

The Village Historic Commission has also recommended the restoration of this beloved artifact and, most importantly, they have recommended to the Village Board that it be designated an historic landmark. This should be discussed by the Board in a workshop some time after the first of the year. We will let you know the workshop date as soon as we hear from Mr. Barrett.

We would like to extend our thanks to the many residents of Glen Ellyn who took the time to respond to our alert. The connection many feel to this symbol of our past was made clear when we received over 40 emails in only four hours! There was a very strong consensus in these letters that the old trough should remain in the heart of town. As many of you know, the historic significance of an artifact is greatly reduced if it removed from its historical context. It will be good to see it back where it was first placed 100 years ago.

We would also like to thank the Village for listening to its citizens and then responding in such a timely fashion.

Yours Truly,

Chris Wilson - President
Genell Scheurell - Past President
Linda Gilbert - Vice President
Deb O’Connor - Secretary
Eleanor Saliamonas - Treasurer

historic horse trough

Click here to learn more about the
history of the horse trough (PDF)

Vintage photo looking east on
Crescent Avenue, From Glen Ellyn
Remembered by Bob Chambers
and Helen Ward


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